NAMPO Kaap | Oct 04, 2019

NAMPO Cape exceeds expectations

 It is with gratitude that we look back on a very successful NAMPO Cape 2019. For the 435 exhibitors spread over the 480 available exhibition spaces, the upgraded parking areas, as well as the increased number of kiosks, these three days were a highlight on the Cape agricultural calendar and definitely worth a visit.

Over the three show days, 20 250 visitors attended NAMPO Cape. This figure exceeded the organisers’ expectations. Primarily it is a business show and the positive feedback from exhibitors on successful business transactions remains the most accurate measure of success. Thursday, 5 September was the most popular day with close to 9 000 visitors through the gates.

New additions to the show, including the large television screens on which visitors could follow the popular Nation-in-Conversation programme streamed directly from the studios, were a huge hit. Equally popular were the tractors and trailers that transported visitors and offered tired feet a well-deserved rest. The beautiful floral exhibition was truly an experience and captivated young and old, while the daily women’s programme encouraged and entertained our attendees.

Planning for NAMPO Cape 2020 has already started, with the dates 8-11 September 2020 at Bredasdorp Park, confirmed. Simultaneously, the 2020 Merino Classic was awarded to NAMPO Cape with the promise to showcase some of the best merinos in South Africa under one roof. The future involvement of other organised agricultural bodies, including Vinpro, will continue to grow and the vegetable industry will enter the show as a newcomer. With these exciting prospects and future changes, NAMPO Cape 2020 promises to exceed each and everyone’s expectations – indeed it is proving to be the agricultural exhibition in the South.

Applications for exhibitors wishing to become part of NAMPO Cape 2020 open 1 March 2020. Application forms and further information are available on  or

NAMPO Kaap oortref alle verwagtinge

Dit is met dankbaarheid dat ons terugkyk na ʼn baie geslaagde NAMPO Kaap 2019. Vir die 435 uitstallers versprei oor die 480 beskikbare uitstalruimtes, die opgegradeerde parkeerareas sowel as die meer aantal kiosks was dié drie dae ‘n hoogtepunt op die Kaapse-landboukalender en beslis die moeite werd.

Oor die drie skou-dae, het 20 250 besoekers NAMPO Kaap bygewoon. Dié syfer het die organiseerders se verwagtinge oortref. Benewens is dit hoofsaaklik ‘n besigheidskou en is die positiewe terugvoer van die vennote oor suksesvolle besigheidstransaksies, steeds die mees akkurate maatstaaf vir sukses. Donderdag, 5 September was die gewildste dag met nagenoeg 9 000 besoekers deur die hekke.

Nuwe toevoegings tot die skou, insluitend die groot televisieskerms waarop besoekers die gewilde Nasie-in-Gesprek program regstreeks van die terrein kon volg, was voorwaar ‘n treffer. Ewe gewild was die trekkers met waentjies wat besoekers vervoer het, en moeë voete ‘n welverdiende ruskans gebied het. Die pragtige blomme uitstalling was ‘n belewenis en het oud en jonk bekoor, terwyl die daaglikse vroueprogram die skoner geslag opgebou en vermaak het.

NAMPO Kaap 2020 is reeds in beplanning met die datum vasgestel van 8-11 September 2020 te Bredasdorp Park. Tesame is die Merino Classic 2020 toegeken aan NAMPO Kaap en ons  beloof om van die beste merino’s in Suid-Afrika onder een dak te huisves vir die skou. Ander georganiseerde landbou instansies, onder andere Vinpro se toekomstige betrokkenheid gaan verder groei en die groentebedryf sal as nuweling die skou betree. Met hierdie en verdere voortuitsigte en veranderings beloof NAMPO Kaap 2020 om aan ieder en elk se behoeftes te voorsien – voorwaar dié landboutentoonstelling in die Suide.

Aansoeke vir uitstallers wat wil deel word van NAMPO Kaap 2020, open 1 Maart 2020. Aansoekvorms en verdere inligting is verkrygbaar op of

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Nooitgedacht Road,
PO Box 1122,
Bredasdorp, 7280



+27 (0) 28 050 1385
+27 (0) 72 905 5111