NAMPO Kaap | Aug 15, 2019
Have you seen it yet? Our brand new LEMCO structure at Bredasdorp Park

Have you noticed the large, brand new steel structure on our Bredasdorp Park expo site?
This is the work of LEMCO Group of Companies – a leading structural steel fabrication company in South Africa, and a new partner and sponsor of Bredasdorp Park at the NAMPO Cape exhibition in September.
The steel structure, situated next to the Absa building, is to be the new LEMCO Venue Operations Centre during NAMPO Cape. LEMCO will also have a presence in the BKB Hall during the NAMPO event and will be showcasing various completed agricultural steel structures, such as pack houses, piggery houses and storage sheds at their stand.
Why the tie-up with Bredasdorp Park? Simply because the Park and LEMCO share the same set of values.
For LEMCO, the focus is on quality and on a customer-centric approach. That matches the ethics that Bredasdorp Park embodies. LEMCO’s story dates back to 1967, when Pieter Laubscher started designing and manufacturing steel products and buildings in the Northern Cape for the agricultural market which dominates that area.
In the mid-2000s, his sons, Andries and Pieter officially joined the family business setting up offices in the Western Cape, “From then on, the family business just exploded,” says Andries Laubscher (Managing Director). By 2010, LEMCO Group of Companies as a whole had established itself as one of the leading structural steel companies in South Africa.
Images: © LEMCO – Structural Steel Specialists | Design & Supply Solutions
This year LEMCO celebrates its 52nd year in business and looks back on over half a century of happy clients and successful projects within the agricultural, industrial and commercial sectors.
It therefore understands the needs of farmers and others in the sector. And supports these clients through state-of-the-art technology, equipment, honest advice and good products.
One of LEMCO’s flagship projects to date was for Number Two Piggeries, Chalala Pig Farm in Malmesbury. Jeff van Zyl, General Manager of Number Two Piggeries, said, “We were looking for somebody who was able to do a job of this size because it’s not normal for a piggery or a farming enterprise building to be built to this scale. Building is not our trade and we needed guidance, information and assistance in planning this new process. It’s always nice to work with LEMCO as they have very capable employees doing the erecting and sheeting, and offer valuable advice. I would say that they are honest people with a good product and a good price, who know what they are doing and I trust them absolutely.”

In support of the agriculture sector, LEMCO has partnered with Bredasdorp Park in preparation for NAMPO Cape, one of the biggest agricultural expos in South Africa, between 4-6 September.
Bredasdorp Park Director, Chrystal van Wyk added that this partnership has added more value to their facilities at Bredasdorp Park. “We’re privileged to join forces with LEMCO. And look forward to a long-term relationship with them.”
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