From 4 to 6 September 2019


S34 31.387 E20 02.912
S34 31 22.8 E20 02 54.5
S34 52300 E20 04860


Gates open: 8h00
Gates close: 17h00

Parking: Free

Map & Directions


Tower: 0284254081119.8 mhz



Adults: R 70 (at gate)
R 60 (online)


School kids: R 20
(only available at gate)

Pre-school: free

Nation in Conversation


Wednesday 4 Sep 2019
Session 1: 10h30 – 12h00
Session 2: 13h30 – 15h00

Thursday 5 Sep 2019
Session 1: 10h30 – 12h00
Session 2: 13h30 – 15h00

Friday 6 Sep 2019
Session 1: 10h30 – 12h00


Contact Bredasdorp Park

Chrystal van Wyk


+27 (0) 28 050 1385

Nooitgedacht Road, PO Box 1122, Bredasdorp, 7280


Highlights at NAMPO Cape 2019

Following the success of the first Nampo Cape in 2018, the Cape’s farming sector and partners will once again descend on Bredasdorp Park on 4-6 September 2019. This trade show allows producers to connect with others involved in the agriculture sector.

Dirk Hanekom vertel ons meer oor NAMPO Kaap 2018

Dirk Hanekom, direkteur van die Bredasdorp Mega Park was betrokke by die bestuur van NAMPO Kaap 2018. In die video hieronder vertel Dirk ons meer oor die ontstaan en groot sukses van die heel eerste NAMPO Kaap. Dankie aan elke persoon wat deel gevorm het van dié geleentheid. Ons sien uit om almal by NAMPO Kaap 2019 te sien! #GraanSA #NAMPOKaap

Posted by Grain SA/Graan SA on Sunday, 7 October 2018

Innovative machinery, products and services will be on display. And producers in the Cape can use the show to compare price and quality of tractors and other equipment. Demonstrations will show the latest technology available to farmers. And farming tips and sustainable agricultural practices will be showcased, helping farmers improve farming methods.

NAMPO Cape News

Keep up to date on all the news and events taking place at Bredasdorp Park.

Thank you to our Nampo Cape Sponsors

Bredasdorp Park



“Meer as twee dekades terug het ons ons eerste landbou saamtrek hier in Bredasdorp gehou, onderleiding van die oorlede Niel Giliomee. Nou, 25 jaar later, bly Bredasdorp Park steeds die tuiste vir landbou-uitstallings in die Wes Kaap. Ons bring die landboubedryf bymekaar, om saam vorentoe te boer.”

- Henk Aggenbach (Voorsitter)


Nooitgedacht Road,
PO Box 1122,
Bredasdorp, 7280



+27 (0) 28 050 1385
+27 (0) 72 905 5111